Our Services

Vibe Feature Walls specializes in creating feature walls for residential and commercial clients. We are a one-stop-shop that can design, install, & paint your feature wall for you.


We Design It.

Vibe Feature Wall designing an accent wall

Once we receive your Quote Request we will create a mockup & quote for your approval.

We Install It.

Vibe Feature Walls installing an accent wall

Our installer will arrive at the scheduled date & time with everything they need to complete installation.

We Paint It.

Vibe Feature Walls spraying paint

Once installation is complete, our installer will mask the area and paint your wall the color(s) you chose.

Why Vibe Feature Walls?

Vibe Feature Walls designing an accent wall
  • Mockup and Quote: FREE

  • Can incorporate logo signs for businesses

  • Our low overhead means you save $

  • Caulk all seams

  • Spackle all nail holes and minor nicks/dents/holes in existing wall/paint

  • Sand everything smooth

  • Paint using a spray gun for the smoothest finish

  • Attention to detail

  • Timely communication

  • Show up on time

  • Leave your space cleaner than when we arrived